Travelling in Switzerland, let’s be inspired by the experience!

Travel4u wants to highlight our beautiful regions of Switzerland as well as small local hoteliers who love their region and offer you quality accommodation.

It is important for us to support the Swiss hoteliers, that’s why we offer you to book directly on their website without commission.

Let’s dream with us while travelling through these videos and discover our selection of hotels or BnB!

Where are you going on holiday this summer?

Switzerland is full of breathtaking landscapes, between lakes and mountains, it offers us a grandiose spectacle.

It enjoys a rich and diverse land that is the pride of the regions and delights our taste buds.

Discover the beauty of Switzerland region by region and our selection of hotels where you can stay for an unforgettable holiday!

Loyal to its slogan, Valais engraved in my heart, a stay in Valais will not leave you indifferent!

From peaks at over 4000 metres, mountain lakes, dizzying dams and festive towns, let yourself be tempted by an unparalleled natural, culinary and wine-growing experience!

Our intimate or more spacious accommodations will allow you to be in the heart of this beautiful region and to taste all the treasures it conceals.

But beware, you might want to go back there…

The canton of Vaud, a land of pleasure…

Discover landscapes, flavours and culture in a canton rich in diversity.

This charming region is both attached to its authentic values and to its local gastronomy, and is also a bubbling centre of ideas and innovation.

Its vineyards as far as the eye can see, some of which are even listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites, its famous Swiss Riviera, known for its beauty and as a venue for renowned cultural events, make this very special canton an ideal destination for families, friends or couples.

Discover our hotels and BnB located in the canton of Vaud which will allow you to have a warm and well located place to live during your Vaudoise getaway.

La Gruyère is one of the 7 districts of the canton of Fribourg.

The landscapes are soft and green. Ideal for a family stay for all the possible activities to do, including the famous visit of the Maison Cailler, it is also the perfect destination for a stay with friends.

Very close to the Swiss German-speaking part of Switzerland, you will be able to let all your desires for an excursion come true.

Our accommodations in Gruyère will allow you to benefit from an ideal location and a dream holiday.

Take advantage of the region of the dents du midi for a summer holiday 100% Mountain.

It is not necessary to go far away to be totally disorientated.

A resourcing natural environment, a great breath of fresh air for a stay in the heart of nature.

With your family, friends or as a couple, let yourself be tempted by a hike and discover the richness of the local fauna and flora; in the evening, return to your hotel and enjoy a sweet summer evening, tasting one of the local specialities.

A dream within reach ….